Work in Progress: Daily Modelling Mixtape (2025)
Woolworks (2025)

>>Gürbüz, Temmuz Süreyya. “A Non-Obituary for D. H. Peligro.” Punk and Post-Punk Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2023. DOI: 10.1386/punk_00190_7
>>Gürbüz, Temmuz Süreyya. “Questions of Counter Cinema and Sally Potter’s YES.” Jump Cut, vol. 61, 2022.
>>Gürbüz, Temmuz Süreyya. "Revisiting Early Punk Cinema.” Punk & Post-Punk Journal, Vol.10, No.1, 2021. DOI: 10.1386/punk_00058_1
>>Gürbüz, Temmuz Süreyya. "Punk Aesthetics of Pedro Almodóvar’s Pepi, Luci, Bom: Self-reflexivity, Subcultural Formations and Queer Temporalities.” Journal of European Popular Culture, Vol.11, No.1, 2020. DOI: (to be updated)
>>Gürbüz, Temmuz Süreyya. "Some Problems with Gendered Subjectivity and Representation: Baise Moi and Hard-Core Pornography.” CineJ Cinema Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2021.
>>Gürbüz, Temmuz Süreyya. "'Space of Possibles’: Punk Subculture and Modern Nihilism.” ASAP/J, MOVE Serial Issue, ed. Temmuz Süreyya Gürbüz, 2020.
>>Gürbüz, Temmuz Süreyya. "Reflections on Queer Modernism(s) III: Queer Networks Conference” TORCH Blog – The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (March 2020)

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